Logistic Regression
Logistic regression is a statistical technique used for binary classification problems. It is commonly used when the dependent variable, or the target variable, is binary or categorical in nature, and the goal is to predict the probability of an instance belonging to a particular class.
Unlike linear regression, which predicts continuous numerical values, logistic regression models the relationship between the input features and the probability of the target variable belonging to a specific class. The predicted probability is then mapped to a binary outcome using a threshold value.
Method: POST Authorization: API Keyhttps://engine.raccoon-ai.io/api/v1/ml/regression/logr
Type | Key | Value |
API Key | X-Api-Key | rae_###### |
Request Body
Section | Key | Data Type | Required | Description |
train | data | json | true | Data that use to train the model |
features | list | true | Input features (X) | |
targets | list | true | Output targets (y) | |
config | json | false | Train configurations | |
predict | data | json | true | Data that need to predicted by the trained model |
config | json | false | Predict configurations |
"train" : {
"data" : <json_data>,
"features": <list>,
"targets" : <list>,
"config" : {
"std_scale": <boolean>,
"encoder" : <"onehot" | "label" | "drop">,
"val_size" : <float>
"predict": {
"data": <json_data>,
"config": {
"include_inputs": <boolean>,
"round": <int>
"train": {
"data": {
"R&D Spend": {
"0": 165349.2,
"1": 162597.7,
"2": 153441.51,
"3": 144372.41,
"4": 142107.34,
"5": 131876.9,
"6": 134615.46,
"7": 130298.13,
"8": 120542.52,
"9": 123334.88
"Administration": {
"0": 136897.8,
"1": 151377.59,
"2": 101145.55,
"3": 118671.85,
"4": 91391.77,
"5": 99814.71,
"6": 147198.87,
"7": 145530.06,
"8": 148718.95,
"9": 108679.17
"Marketing Spend": {
"0": 471784.1,
"1": 443898.53,
"2": 407934.54,
"3": 383199.62,
"4": 366168.42,
"5": 362861.36,
"6": 127716.82,
"7": 323876.68,
"8": 311613.29,
"9": 304981.62
"State": {
"0": "New York",
"1": "California",
"2": "Florida",
"3": "New York",
"4": "Florida",
"5": "New York",
"6": "California",
"7": "Florida",
"8": "New York",
"9": "California"
"Profit": {
"0": 192261.83,
"1": 191792.06,
"2": 191050.39,
"3": 182901.99,
"4": 166187.94,
"5": 156991.12,
"6": 156122.51,
"7": 155752.6,
"8": 152211.77,
"9": 149759.96
"features": ["R&D Spend", "Administration", "Marketing Spend", "State"],
"targets": ["Profit"],
"config": {
"std_scale": true,
"encoder": "onehot"
"predict": {
"data": {
"R&D Spend": {
"0": 165349.2,
"1": 162597.7
"Administration": {
"0": 136897.8,
"1": 151377.59
"Marketing Spend": {
"0": 471784.1,
"1": 443898.53
"State": {
"0": "New York",
"1": "California"
"config": {
"include_inputs": true,
"round": 2
Reponse Body
Key | Data Type | Description |
success | boolean | Indicate the success of the request |
msg | string | Message indicators |
error | string | Error information, only set if success is false |
result | json | Result, only set if success is true |
score | json | r2_scores of the training and testing phases, only set if success is true |
generated_ts | float | Generated timestamp |
"success": <boolean>,
"msg": <string>,
"error": <string>,
"result": <json>,
"score": {
"train": <float>,
"test": <float>
"generated_ts": <timestamp>
"success": true,
"msg": "Model trained and predicted successfully",
"error": null,
"result": {
"R&D Spend": {
"0": 165349.2,
"1": 162597.7
"Administration": {
"0": 136897.8,
"1": 151377.59
"Marketing Spend": {
"0": 471784.1,
"1": 443898.53
"State": {
"0": "New York",
"1": "California"
"Profit": {
"0": 190209.72,
"1": 186863.18
"score": {
"train": 0.942446542689397,
"test": 0.9649618042060305
"saved_in": null,
"generated_ts": 1685439220.425382